Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BTT1O - Introduction to Microsoft Excel

This page will introduce M.S. Excel and show you what a Grade 9 Assignment will look like (in terms of rubrics, learning goals, instructions and exemplars).

What is Microsoft Excel

  • Microsoft Excel is a piece of software designed to organize data.
  • Users can build tables, calculate formulas, and create charts to organize their information
  • Excel shares many attributes with M.S. Word, such as the Menu Bar and Toolbars.
  • The rest of the information is point and click.
  • Information is written in Cells and Worksheets, instead of lines and paragraphs.
  • Excel formulas perform calculations to save time and link cells from one worksheet to another for large spreadsheets.
  • The correct extension for M.S. Excel is *.xls or *.xlsx
  • Information in charts and tables is often better organized and easier to understand than a long paragraph of text.

Learning Goals

This is an Assessment as Learning activity. The objective of these three tasks is to:
  • Apply M.S. Excel skills to display data in a clear and easy to understand format; and
  • Utilize a variety of M.S. Excel formatting techniques to enhance the appearance of the information.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when:
  • Information is entered accurately in M.S. Excel;
  • It is easy to understand the data because it is properly displayed in tables and charts;
  • Formulas are used to calculate values; and
  • The fonts, colours, borders and shading are interesting but do not become excessive, overwhelming or hard to read.


  1. We will be working on M.S. Excel throughout the week. I will cover one topic each class on the board and there will be individual work time to practice.
  2. Read the instructions in each file and complete each task individually:
  3. You can look at these spreadsheets by previous students to get an idea of what others have done.
  4. Review the rubric to see how you will be evaluated.
  5. Save your work early and often.
  6. Drop-off each Excel task as you complete it.
  7. The due date will be given as everyone progresses.

Drop-Off Box

For the ESL BTT1O class, use the drop-off box for Mr. Bourgase.
  1. Open the Kipling CI folder on your desktop
  2. Open the Drop-Off folder
  3. Open the folder named Bourgase
  4. Drag and drop your finished work into the folder named BTT1O Afternoon

Always put your full name and the name of the project in the file name and in the document that you are submitting

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