Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BTT1O, ESL - Table of Online Safety Terminology (Part 2)

Learning Goals

The objective of this task is to:
  • Demonstrate an understanding of internet safety terms and how to protect yourself online; and
  • Format a table and WordArt in M.S. Word.

Success Criteria

I will know I am successful when:
  • The definitions and safety tips are detailed and complete;
  • The phrases have been written in my own words and typed correctly; and
  • The Word document is easy to understand and contains interesting designs.


  1. Open the M.S. Word document that we worked on in Tuesday's class about online safety terms and online habits
  2. Complete the table based on information from class discussion
  3. Format a table in M.S. Word with borders and shading
  4. Use WordArt feature to create a title (we will cover this in class)
  5. Save your work and drop off the assignment in the drop-off box.

Drop-Off Box

For the ESL BTT1O class, use the drop-off box for Mr. Bourgase.
  1. Open the Kipling CI folder on your desktop
  2. Open the Drop-Off folder
  3. Open the folder named Bourgase
  4. Drag and drop your finished work into the folder named BTT1O ESL First Period

Always put your full name in the file name and in the document that you are submitting

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