Friday, February 21, 2014

BTT1O - ESL - My Favourite Website (MS Word Document)


  1. Continue typing with UltraKey at the start of the period. This will lead to a typing assessment.
  2. Finish your M.S. Word table with Internet Safety terms.
  3. Create another Word document. Review a website that you enjoy visiting.
    1. What is the website about?
    2. How often do you visit the website?
    3. What do you like about the site? (use a list/numbers for this)
    4. Include these items:
      1. bold/underline/italic/different fonts/colours to make a title and headings
      2. a list of at least three terms
      3. a picture
      4. check spelling and typing
      5. change line spacing to Double Line Spacing
  4. Drop off the assignment in the class box.


Click here for an example of the task.


How to Make a List

Insert a Picture

Check Spelling

Change Line Spacing

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