Monday, February 24, 2014

BTT1O - ESL - Website Review (Is this website reliable?)


Google News ( allows you to search the most recent news items about a topic. However, you still need to ensure that the source is reliable.


  1. Search for a topic in Google News
  2. Write down the important information about the article (title, author, address, source, date)
  3. Write a short summary of the article
  4. Rate the website according to reliability, objectivity and accuracy and explain why
  5. Use a table to create a 4 row, 3 column table that has terms (reliable, objective, accurate), synonyms (words with similar meanings) and definitions (word meanings).

M.S. Word Formatting

Include this formatting in your document.
  • A table with borders and shading
  • Single line spacing
  • A title and headings, with fonts


Click here for a sample document.

Additional Resources

Create a Table

Table Borders and Shading

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